Impactful solutions for reducing your environmental impact

We provide several solutions for changing the environment, the economy, and production lines.

What you can do to help reduce your carbon footprint depends on where you live, the resources you have, and how much time you can give. If you want to do something about global warming, however, then simple changes can have a big impact.

Innovative indoor climate solution

Keep your organization sustainable with a green agenda.

Optimisation & implementation

You can use that knowledge for branding and marketing.

Green production transition

Analysis and facilitation, Use a combination of the two and implement them.

Analysis & evaluation

We provide a platform of knowledge, so you can use that knowledge for branding and marketing.

Carbon dioxide

Chemical compound made up of molecules that each have one carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms

Environmental footprint

Creating sustainable product innovation is an important parameter

The transition to green production

Use a combination of analysis and facilitation, we help you make the right decisions and implement them.

Five service annoncements to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions

What you can do to help reduce your carbon footprint depends on where you live, the resources you have, and how much time you can give. If you want to do something about global warming, however, then simple changes can have a big impact. Here are some straightforward solutions that you can implement right away:

Eat less (or no) meat. Going vegetarian has the same impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as if you trade in a regular car for a hybrid. The process of making a pound of commercial meat uses ten times more energy than making a pound of beans or grains.

Hook your home up to clean energy. If you can’t afford to install solar panels or wind turbines on your roof, you can tap into an independent clean energy supplier. Let them build the wind turbine, and you reap the benefits. This step reduces your own emissions and helps build the renewable energy industry.

Insulate your house. The average home has the equivalent of a basketball-sized hole in the side of its wall. That’s how much heating and cooling you can keep from escaping if you properly insulate your home’s ceilings, walls, windows, and doors.

Travel smart. Reducing the number of flights you take in a year has a huge impact. One long-haul flight can be enough to double your impact on climate change, so think twice before taking that long trip. Whenever possible, take the train or bus. Minimize your driving by carpooling, walking, biking, or taking public transit.

Use only the energy you need. Develop energy-saving habits — turn off the lights and TV when you leave the room, and turn down your thermostats when the house is empty in winter, and up in summer. Choose low-energy technologies by looking for the ENERGY STAR or Energy Savings logos on all appliances, electronics, computers, and more. These qualification standards highlight products that use the least energy.

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Conserve our natural resources

Humans derive energy from burning fossil fuels, which releases almost three quarters of all human-produced greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Half of all fossil fuels are burned to provide electricity and heat; the next big users of fossil fuels are manufacturing and transportation.

A bright future for renewable energy

The phrase “global warming” hasn’t been around long, but climate change, as it’s also known, is nothing new. In fact, it has been a constant throughout history. Earth’s climate today is very different from what it was 2 million years ago, let alone 10,000 years ago.

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